Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Establishing the Kusuma School of Biological Sciences

The Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD) is the alma mater of our Founding Trustee, Anurag, where he was a student of engineering. Between 2011 and 2022 we committed a grant of £2.8m to help establish a new Kusuma School of Biological Sciences. This included installing modern laboratory and computer facilities for teaching and research, and developing new programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate level, setting IITD on a course to become a world-leading biological research centre.

From inception to inauguration

Modern biology has evolved rapidly and become an inter-disciplinary study – and IITD is well suited to be at the forefront in India. Our ambition for this decade-long project was to create new teaching and research programmes in biology for undergrads and postgrads and establish the school as a pioneering centre for research, with a focus on infectious diseases and non-communicable disorders.

The grant is administered by IITD and guided by an Advisory Board, which set out broad guidelines for the development of the school. The initial grant of £1.4m made in March 2011 helped the school to acquire specialist equipment, recruit faculty, develop the curriculum and begin a student outreach programme.

  • In December 2012 the official inauguration of the school laboratories took place.
  • Biology was introduced in to the undergraduate curriculum in 2013.
  • For 3 years from July 2014, 30 scholarships a year were awarded to post-graduate students with research topics on Biological Sciences.

Becoming a global player

The official inauguration of the school laboratories took place in 2012, and was marked by hosting the annual BioWorld Conference, which focused on Proteins in Disease and Disorder. In 2013 the school had 50 PhD students and was already playing a key role introducing Biology at undergraduate level – since 2014 over 800 students each year have sat a compulsory foundation course in Biological Sciences. Our Founding Trustee Anurag and our partners at IITD are confident that the School is on course to become a world-renowned centre for research into major diseases and their causes.



‘The Kusuma School of Biological Sciences provides me with an excellent interdisciplinary platform for pursuing my Ph.D. with students from different backgrounds. Faculty members are passionate about Science and freely share their knowledge and experience during seminar sessions’.

Sunday Bansal, PhD student at the Kusuma School of Biological Sciences

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