We have awarded over £90,000 in matched funding to the Prostate Cancer Gibraltar group so that the Gibraltar Health Authority (GHA) can purchase a state of the art Transperineal MRI Fusion Guided Ultrasound Prostate biopsy system equipment for the Kusuma Urology Clinic.

Purchasing this new system will give safer and more accurate prostate biopsies to the men of Gibraltar. The equipment is associated with a lower risk of severe infection following biopsies compared with the previous technique, improves targeting of areas of potential abnormality highlighted on MRI scans, and means that patients will now no longer be required to travel to the UK or Spain for these biopsies. The purchase of additional ultrasound probes, will also allow imaging of the kidneys and bladder in clinic for both men and women. The GHA hope to be able to offer this new biopsy technique by the end of the November 2021.

The Chief Minister, Minister for Health and Acting Medical Director of Gibraltar met with representatives of Prostate Cancer Gibraltar and Kusuma Trust Gibraltar to thank them for their fundraising efforts. The Minister for Health, the Hon Samantha Sacramento, said: “The Gibraltar Health Authority are extremely grateful to Prostate Cancer Gibraltar and the Kusuma Trust for their generous efforts, which have gone a long way towards funding the purchase of this important equipment.”

On 1 November 2021, Prostate Cancer Gibraltar were featured on GBC news launching their annual Movember campaign but also discussing the purchase of the new equipment. You can watch the item here. (This is an external link to the video on youtube, Kusuma Trust is not responsible for the content or advertising on the page)