We have awarded a grant of £15,678 to support the development and first year’s maintenance of the SYNERGISE app, as it is rolled out to young people in Gibraltar.

SYNERGISE is a new app aimed at young people aged 15 to 30 with Special Educational Needs, Social, Emotional & Mental Health, behavioral difficulties, health issues, and those who are generally disengaged from education. Affiliated with the Gibraltar Disability Society, SYNERGISE is designed to encourage and support young people to perform as independently as possible as they gain valuable life experience in work placements and community participation. The app assists with recording work experience and allows the user to securely message their key contacts, as well as providing travel information, emergency numbers and memory games.

Empowering those with disabilities is critical and the Synergise app was developed with the aim to be a contributory factor in the promotion and development of the competences needed for work and life. Nicola Byrne the Founder of Synergise App said: “I am thrilled to have combined forces with Valli Fragoso, this app would not have been realised without her dedication and understanding. I am immensely exited for its launch and trial testing phase. Thank you, Kusuma Trust, for giving Synergise its wings!”