Global Action Plan, Clean Air Hub
Helping the world understand air pollution – and what we can do to beat it
Every day we make choices that could accidentally cause more pollution or expose ourselves to more polluted air than is necessary. Why? Because we don’t have the facts.
That’s where the Clean Air Hub comes in. It’s the first ever public-friendly, comprehensive, collection of information, resources and expert advice about air pollution.
The hub was created by Global Action Plan, the charity behind Clean Air Day, the UK’s largest clean air campaign. They wanted to make sure there’s clear and easy to understand information about air pollution available to all. What exactly is it? How does it affect our health? How can we reduce the causes and tackle the effects?
- In the UK, air pollution causes up to 36,000 deaths each year – it can also increase the risk of type 2 diabetes and bladder cancer.
- 60% of people say they’re concerned about the long-term health impact of air pollution. But only 16% know where to find information on it.
- The Clean Air Hub is the first ever public-friendly, comprehensive hub conveying the definitive steps people can take to tackle air pollution.

All we need to know about air pollution in one place
The Clean Air Hub needed a communications campaign so they can share information through traditional media, social media and institutions. We gave a grant of £38,500 to enable Global Action Plan to support this. The plan is to run a social media campaign to promote clean air advice on the back of all media stories, research releases and high air pollution episodes, throughout 2020.
The grant was given as part of one of our priority areas, Community & Environment, which focuses on improving air quality in London.
“The successful Clean Air Hub will vastly accelerate the speed of educating the public on air pollution. This education is crucial if we’re to see mass support for the action that will end the air pollution crisis – namely personal choices about what, when and where we drive, and public support for sweeping measures that will drastically curtail the causes air pollution across the country.”
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