Physical Activities Association for Mature Older Adults (PAAMOA)
Helping older adults keep healthy in Gibraltar
We know that keeping active can be key to good health, particularly as you get older. But it’s not always easy to find the right exercise options.
Physical Activities Association for Mature Older Adults (PAAMOA) runs classes for over 60s in Gibraltar. Safely guided by professional instructors and supported by volunteers, they offer structured exercises, specifically geared to older people’s bodies and abilities.
Between 2012 and 2016, we awarded grants to fund the professional training of 2 pilates and aqua fitness instructors, as well equipment for classes.
- PAAMOA provided almost 500 exercise classes, from October 2014 to June 2016, including aqua-fit, pilates, and ‘mobility, movement and music’.
- PAAMOA currently has over 450 members aged from 55 to 95 years old.

Exercise, friendship and community spirit
As PAAMOA members range from 55 to 95 years old, it’s extremely important their instructors understand how to adapt exercises for older people, as well as understand the inherent health issues that affect people as they get older. So we also funded 11 instructors to have training in ‘Adapting exercise for older adults’. Classes include chair exercises for people who are less mobile and a separate aqua class for older people who are frail.
“Kusuma sponsorship has been instrumental in PAAMOA’s success as a charity, says Marie Carmen Vallejo, Chair of PAAMOA. “It was the funding to qualify two Instructors in Modern Pilates that expanded our programme. We now have 5 classes a week and a total of 75 members participating.”
As well as the physical benefits, PAOOMA classes and activities encourage friendship and community spirit. A ‘coffee and a chat’ is on offer after each class, and members can get involved in fundraising events such as Bingo evenings, sponsored swims and walks.
“PAAMOA members are extremely grateful that our classes have been fully funded by sponsorships and donations, which enables us to plan a sustainable programme of exercise classes throughout the year. We receive a steady number of patient referrals from doctors, physiotherapists and dieticians, who appreciate the large health benefits these small changes in lifestyle can make. The endorsement of these health care professionals show PAAMOA’s programmes can enhance the lives of Gibraltar’s mature older citizens and help them lead a healthier, active and more independent life”
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