Hammersmith Community Gardens Association

Hammersmith Community Gardens Association

Hammersmith Community Gardens Association Therapeutic gardening in the city The mental and physical benefits of gardening and nature are well documented, but some members of the local community need support to join in. Since 1984, Hammersmith Community Gardens...


Ramblers © Vyacheslav Argenberg / http://www.vascoplanet.com/ This file is licensed under the Creative CommonsAttribution 4.0 International license. Putting England’s lost paths back on the map More of us are taking the time to unplug from technology and get out and...
London Wildlife Trust

London Wildlife Trust

London Wildlife Trust Supporting young people to get green jobs London Wildlife Trust is dedicated to protecting the capital’s wildlife and wild spaces. We’re supporting them on three new initiatives, set to help young people develop the skills and experience...
Horatio’s Garden

Horatio’s Garden

Horatio’s Garden How nature is helping improve rehabilitation Spinal cord injuries are traumatic, life-changing events. Often when people are being treated in hospital, they have little or no access to the outside world. Yet research shows that being in contact with...
Walworth Garden

Walworth Garden

Walworth Garden Opportunities to grow at south London’s Walworth Garden It’s hard to imagine that this award-winning organic community green space was once nothing but derelict wasteland. Transformed in the 1980s, Walworth Garden soon became the perfect place to...