Our Partnerships

Browse or filter to find stories about our past and present grants. We do not accept unsolicited applications for funding – instead we select our partnerships based on shared values and mutual interests: creating access to opportunities, improving health and well-being, and investing in our communities and environment.

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Health & Wellbeing
Geography: Gibraltar | Year: 2014

Prostate Cancer Support Group

We helped Gibraltar’s Prostate Cancer Support Group to set up a clinic with state-of-the-art equipment that has the potential to save many lives.

Community & Environment
Geography: Gibraltar | Year: 2013-2014

Gibraltar Philanthropy Forum

A forum to promote charitable giving and support individuals and businesses to make a difference was set up in Gibraltar in 2013.

Health & Wellbeing
Geography: Gibraltar | Year: 2011

Calpe House Charitable Trust

Calpe House provides a ‘home from home’ for Gibraltarian’s who travel to London for essential medical treatment.

Community & Environment
Geography: Gibraltar | Year: 2008-2010

Gibraltar Productions Limited, GBC Open Day

We supported Gibraltar’s biggest fundraising event, the GBC Open Day, which has raised millions for local charities.

Community & Environment
Geography: Gibraltar | Year: 2011-2014

Gibraltar Junior International Chess Festival

It stirs up some serious competition, yet Gibraltar’s Junior International Chess Tournament has seen friendships blossom across borders.

Access to Opportunity
Geography: Gibraltar | Year: 2009-2011

VSO, Global Xchange

Young people gained valuable new skills and perspectives by volunteering together on Global Xchange’s UK and overseas exchange programme we supported.

Health & Wellbeing
Geography: Gibraltar | Year: 2011

St Bernard’s Hospital

We partnered with St Bernard’s Hospital to help provide the latest medical technology to Gibraltarians.