Latest updates
08 May 2020

Watch how our grant has made a difference

We partnered with Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospital Charity to support their Covid-19 appeal.
30 April 2020

One-to-one therapy for child refugees in London

We have given a grant to Play for Progress so that they can take their valuable service online.
30 April 2020

Supporting the creation of a bioresource to tackle Covid-19

Our grant to Barts Charity will allow them to expand their frontline worker research project.
30 April 2020

Emergency food for Covid-affected communities in India

We have partnered with iPartner India to support 800 vulnerable families with food provisions.
29 April 2020

Contributing to the valuable work of Childline Gibraltar

Our grant will ensure that they can continue to provide their important service to young people throughout the lockdown period.
29 April 2020

Supporting Gibraltar’s vulnerable elderly through lockdown

We have partnered with the Gibraltar Care Agency to ensure that those who need it can have a hot cooked meal everyday.